I got together with a few other neighborhood dads recently to play a board game called Q.E. The name is short for “Quantitative Easing,” a term that entered the public conscious when Ben Bernanke’s Federal Reserve started buying investment securities to improve banks’ balance sheets during the financial crisis of 2008-09. The game was published in 2019, and while its theme harkens back to 2008-09, it also accidentally anticipated the Covid-19 pandemic.
Players assume the roles of central bankers around the world competing to bail out too-big-to-fail national industries, printing huge amounts of money in the process. One of the game’s rules is that the player who prints the most money destroys his or her national currency and automatically loses the game. The strategy is to abuse your national currency as much as possible without totally destroying it. It is funny how this game mechanic seems to agree with the incentives that drive real-world governments and central banks. Its designers must know a thing or two about political economy. Throughout history, governments have almost universally favored higher inflation while trying to avoid the disruptive and humiliating consequences of straying too far into hyperinflation.
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