November Investment Comments
We have a long way to go, but so far the post-COVID economy looks surprisingly robust. If colder weather does not bring a resurgence of the virus, then it feels safe to say that we are firmly on the road to economic recovery.
From peak to trough, U.S. GDP contracted by 10%, the third largest decline since at least 1910. The second-quarter average was -9%. More recently, September’s unemployment report published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics measured unemployment at 7.9%, down from a peak of 14.7% in April. This probably overstates the rebound slightly, as the labor force participation rate ticked down to 61.4% and is about 2% below its pre-pandemic levels. Some workers have stayed on the sidelines and aren’t counted as unemployed.
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Instrument Flying
To say this has been an interesting year for the market would be an understatement. After the swoon in March due to the pandemic, we recovered the entirety of the downturn and then some. There have been only a few market declines of similar magnitude over such a short timeframe, and the abruptness of the snapback has surprised many, especially given what are likely to be longer-lasting effects on the economy from COVID-19. To be certain, fiscal and monetary stimulus have played a significant role in supporting the economy and aiding the market’s recovery. Interest rates have declined, helping make the case for higher P/E multiples. Lower interest rates reduce the rate at which future cash flows are discounted, raising asset prices in general. However, while a portion of the recent rebound in stock prices looks to be justified, it has been accompanied by some harder-to-explain moves in certain individual stocks, and for that matter certain other assets.
Though more traditionally discussed in relation to bonds, the concept of “duration” similarly applies to stocks. Duration is a measure of the weighted average of when investors receive their cash flows. Though the risk profiles generally differ, stocks and bonds are fundamentally similar. Each produces a stream of cash flows; however, unlike bonds, which have contracted payments over preset intervals, the “payment” on stocks is less certain. Assets that are longer duration are more sensitive to movements in interest rates, deriving greater benefit from lower rates and alternatively selling off more when rates rise. Stocks generally have a longer duration than bonds, and among stocks durations will differ as a result of the anticipated cash flows.
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October Investment Comments
While the economy had a rough time in the first half of 2020, the recovery since stay-at-home orders began lifting has been much swifter than expected. GDP contracted at an annualized rate of 31.7% in the second quarter but since June has rebounded strongly. As of September 16th, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s GDPNow third quarter GDP estimate calls for annualized growth of 31.7%. Continued recovery will depend on the rate of new COVID-19 cases that, for the most part, have continued to decline, encouraging states to loosen restrictions on service-based businesses such as restaurants and gyms.
Other economic indicators confirm the recovery while at the same time differentiating the impact of COVID-19. The August Institute for Supply Management index of manufacturing rose to 56 from 54.2 in July, extending its rebound since the 41.5 level of March (above 50 signifies growth, lower than 50 contraction). Commerce Department figures show that monthly spending on goods for July is 6.1% above February’s peak level while spending on services has fallen 9.3%. This dichotomy reflects pent-up demand for goods that would have been purchased during business lockdowns while also reflecting the inability and/or lack of desire of consumers to purchase services like air travel, restaurant meals and haircuts.
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Deflation and Modern Monetary Theory
As an investment advisor I worry about inflation a lot. Besides political revolution, no other force turns rich people into poor people as quickly and as surely as inflation. If your income is fixed by a pension or annuity formula which doesn’t escalate along with the cost of living, or if most of your money is tied up in long-term bonds with low yields, then your means will shrink at the pace of inflation. A few consecutive years of double-digit inflation can turn a comfortable retirement into a marginal one if your portfolio does not own enough real assets to defend against it.
Happily, inflation has been predictable and tame for almost 40 years. Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation has not advanced at a double-digit annual pace since 1981. It has not even been as high as 5% since 1990. Many analysts believe that the CPI’s methodology understates the “true” rate at which prices rise. I agree, but the magnitude of the understatement is probably no more than 1% per year. Buttering another 1% onto the price level annually certainly adds up over time, but it does not change the fact that we have recently enjoyed an era of extraordinarily stable fiat money.
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September Investment Comments
Uncertainty makes people uncomfortable, and there is plenty of uncertainty to go around. The virus continues to stubbornly stick around; we don’t know how widely it will spread if schools and colleges are opened to in-person learning; we don’t know if one or more vaccines will be effective; and then there is an election this fall in case you haven’t heard.
It is said, “The market runs from uncertainty.” Yet the S&P 500 and NASDAQ indexes just reached all-time records. The Dow Jones Industrials Average is about 5% below its all-time high while the Russell 2000 index of small stocks is 8% below its high. Stock indexes at all-time highs don’t sound like a market running from uncertainty!
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Overcoming a Job Loss
In these unprecedented times, nearly 40 million Americans have lost their jobs in a span of eight weeks. That is more job losses than the last recession saw over two years.
The loss of a job can be a nerve-racking experience, leaving a person with feelings of sadness, anger, and depression. Mourning a job loss is normal; for many it means the loss of their identity and lifestyle. Many professionals feel that other than the death of a close family member or going through a divorce, the loss of a job is probably the single most traumatic event of a lifetime.
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August Investment Comments
“If you see that kind of disconnect, it doesn’t go on indefinitely. Those normally will get reconciled, and this will too.”
These were the words of Federal Reserve Board Bank of Dallas President Robert Kaplan when interviewed by CNBC on July 13th. He was referring to the disconnect between the financial markets, with an upbeat view of the future, and the performance of the economy, which remains under stress. The question for investors, of course, is will the markets move towards the economy or the economy towards the markets?
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The Challenge of Predicting the Short Term
Large swings in the market this year have led to an increasing focus on near-term market calls. Correctly call the next meaningful move in the market and your fortune awaits! The S&P 500 reached an all-time high in February before falling over one-third in five short weeks on the back of fears about COVID-19. In response to support from the Federal Reserve and Congress, shares then rallied significantly, up over 40% from the lows and now just under 10% below the highs reached in February. The ecosystem that has been built up around the market has always encouraged activity, with everything from tailored ETFs to play specific themes to countdown clocks and recommended “halftime trades” on CNBC. This persists because many players depend on activity in order to make money. The appeal is obvious—the chance to get rich quick. After all, anybody who correctly called the gyrations in the first six months of 2020 would have pocketed years’ worth of gains.
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July Investment Comments
The U.S. has officially tipped into recession, defined as two straight quarters of negative economic growth. Q1 GDP contracted at a 5% annualized rate. Q2 will feel the full brunt of lockdown. Trading Economics reports consensus Q2 GDP growth estimates as -17%. Continuing jobless claims are hovering in the 21 million range, more than ten times their pre-pandemic level. Supplementary unemployment benefits of $600 per week are scheduled to cease at the end of July, unless lawmakers negotiate some kind of modified extension. It won’t be easy to spur a broad-based return to work. The jobs have to be there, and people have to be incentivized to accept them.
The stock market, meanwhile, is anticipating a robust recovery. After a jarring 35% March plunge, the market’s subsequent recovery has been just as stunning. The S&P 500 is currently down just 4% on the year. The Nasdaq 100, burgeoning with beloved, recession-resistant software companies, is up 13%. Japan’s Nikkei 225 has performed similarly to the S&P. European stock averages have been a little weaker, mostly down low-double digits so far this year. Valuations were not exactly cheap before the pandemic started. So what happens next?
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Charitable Giving in the Time of COVID-19
We have all been stunned and saddened by the sheer number of our fellow Americans suddenly in need. In the Great Recession of 2008-2009, the number of monthly job losses peaked at 818,000. The recession lasted roughly 18 months with a total of 8.7 million jobs lost. In the month of April, 2020 alone, 20.5 million Americans lost their jobs. That is on top of 881,000 in March with more likely to come in May and beyond. Consumer demand has dropped sharply, creating an environment where businesses needed to cut costs. Also, companies likely furloughed additional employees, knowing that enriched unemployment benefits under a new law would tide them over until businesses re-opened.
Despite government efforts to put money in people’s pockets, there is genuine suffering out there. Seeing pictures of long lines at food banks is reminiscent of the Great Depression.
Many of us who have been fortunate in life are in a position to help, and here are some suggestions:
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June Investment Comments
After a dizzying late February and March that saw the stock market fall into bear market territory (down 20% or more) at the fastest pace in history, the recovery from the S&P 500’s low of 2,237 on March 23rd has been almost as breathtaking, a roughly 30% advance. For 2020 the index is down about 10% for the year, substantially better than might be expected given the health and economic damage inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recent statistics on the health impact of the virus are daunting. Johns Hopkins’s COVID-19 dashboard reports over 4.2 million cases worldwide and approximately 290,000 deaths. The U.S. alone now has over 1.35 million cases and approximately 81,000 deaths, 27,000 of which have occurred in New York State. The human toll COVID-19 has wrought is tragic.
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Expanding My Horizons
I spent the last year preparing for the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ exam. Rather than exploring new music or checking off books from a growing reading list, I studied textbooks, attended virtual lectures, and practiced test questions. In some cases, I was brushing up on lessons from business school or revisiting concepts mastered through professional experience; in others I was learning new material and committing to memory laws and regulations. Throughout the process I analyzed how I could leverage each developing skill for you, our clients.
This effort culminated on March 16 when I passed the six-hour CFP® exam. Upon checking out, the test center administrator quipped, “I hope you don’t have plans to go to the bar.” The governor had just ordered all bars and restaurants closed effective immediately. So much for that dinner out to celebrate! Somewhat unceremoniously, I began life as a CFP® professional.
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May Investment Comments
The S&P 500 followed up its more than 30% total return in 2019 with a decline of 20% in the first quarter of 2020. That understates the severity of the move, as small- and mid- cap stocks were down 30%, and at its lows the S&P 500 was 35% off its recent peak. In March, the S&P 500 moved an average of 5% per day, the most of any month on record.
Nobody is certain about the extent of the damage done to the economy as a result of efforts to combat COVID-19. We do know that there has been a severe demand shock that will result in a sharp economic contraction and a meaningful decline in corporate earnings. In response to these concerns, the Federal Reserve Board, Administration, and Congress moved to support workers and businesses with programs to preserve as much of the economy as possible while large portions of the country are shut down.
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Legacy 401(k) Plans
As tax season winds down and you start digging yourself out from underneath piles of tax documents and financial statements, this makes an ideal time to simplify your finances by consolidating accounts. A great place to start would be with your former employer-sponsored retirement plans. If you participated in a workplace retirement plan such as a 401(k) and changed jobs or retired, you have several options for that plan. You can cash it out, leave it alone, transfer it to your current employer’s plan or roll it over to an IRA. For many, making this decision can be a source of confusion and fear. It is for these reasons, many choose to forgo action, and miss out on opportunities.
In most circumstances, cashing out of your retirement plan is the least favorable of the four options. This is especially true if you are under the age 59 1/2, because you will pay a 10% early withdrawal penalty, in addition to income tax, on the distribution. Also, by cashing out the plan you will lose all future tax deferred growth which could prove costly over the long term.
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April Investment Comments
We are all concerned about the potential impact of the coronavirus outbreak on our families and friends, particularly those who are elderly or who are already dealing with other medical issues. We hope you are well and urge everyone to exercise appropriate caution. Although it is uncomfortable to lose our social avenues, we hope the closing of public facilities will severely limit the opportunity for this virus to spread further.
Investment Comments typically focuses on economic and market developments, and the outlook. Recent economic statistics primarily reflect the pre-coronavirus economy, which is now a matter of historical record rather than an indicator of where we are headed. The economy has clearly taken a hit—we can see it with our eyes, and the market movement has confirmed it.
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A Bad Idea Bubble
Eleven years into this bull market, it’s déjà vu all over again. It is starting to feel like we are back in the bubble conditions of the 1990’s, or at least getting there. It is not so much the overall market that has me bothered. I am concerned about specific cases…a lot of specific cases. A slightly alarming number of stocks have come uncoupled from economic reality.
Let me start on a fairly positive note by saying that in the context of prevailing interest rates, overall stock valuations are not crazy—not in most cases anyway. In a world of ultra-low interest rates, it makes sense that stock valuations are levitating above historical averages. According to data from, for the 62 U.S. companies with market capitalizations over $100 billion, the median trailing P/E is 27. This equates to a median “earnings yield” of 3.7%, meaning $100 invested in large stocks is earning $3.70 in corporate profits. That is low by historical standards (valuations are high), but it looks okay compared to 10-year Treasuries yielding 1.4%. It is possible that the market continues to trade at roughly this same valuation for a long time, advancing at the rate that corporate earnings grow. The stock market is one of two places where things can go up without coming back down.
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March Investment Comments
In January, after spending much of two years wrestling with trade issues, the U.S. signed two important pieces of legislation. The first, and likely more important, is the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, an update to NAFTA covering trade rules for North America. The second was a “Phase 1” agreement with China that reduced the likelihood of further tariff escalation and laid out a negotiating timeline to work through difficult discussions such as protection of intellectual property. The markets breathed a sigh of relief and began to rally on the thinking that businesses could now rely on (relative) certainty of trade and tariffs to support long-term product sourcing decisions.
Then along came the coronavirus (COVID-19). According to the World Health Organization, as of February 18, the virus has sickened more than 73,000 and killed 1,853. With most of these cases concentrated in the country of origin, China, the world has responded with various degrees of isolation. More than 30 airlines have suspended service to China and a 78-nation matrix of rules and quarantines from the U.S. to Singapore have all but banned Chinese travelers from foreign soil.
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The SECURE Act Becomes Law
Last August I wrote about bipartisan legislation, the SECURE Act, that had passed the House in May but was stalled in the Senate as a few politicians pursued unpopular changes. In early December, most of the Senate saw an opportunity to override this gridlock by attaching the bill to appropriation legislation that avoided a government shutdown. This is how the SECURE Act became law after President Trump’s signature on December 20, 2019. For a summary of its major provisions, please see my August 2019 Viewpoint column under the “News & Insights” tab on
Now that the SECURE Act has passed, I’d like to provide some additional information and comment on steps you might need to take as you think through tax and estate planning. Before I do that, I’d like to correct one item in the August Viewpoint regarding Roth distributions. My read of the legislation led me to think Roth distributions would avoid the 10-year accelerated distribution period for non-spouse and other specifically defined beneficiaries. This is not the case as Roth distributions will be treated identically to traditional IRA distributions.
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February Investment Comments
The S&P 500 produced a total return of 31.5% in 2019. That huge advance is particularly astonishing considering that aggregate corporate earnings barely grew at all. According to the 1/10/20 edition of FactSet Earnings Insight by John Butters, analysts expect full-year 2019 earnings to average a meager 0.2% growth with revenue growth of 3.9%. Roughly speaking, this means the year’s entire rally is currently manifested in higher P/E multiples. We can think of some reasons why the current investment climate supports higher valuations than the climate of just 12 months ago, but 31.5%? That is a lot to explain.
For starters, those modest corporate growth numbers are a bit of a red herring, weighed down by low energy prices and industrial sector softness that will probably turn out to be temporary. More on this below. Overall, the U.S. economy remains on solid footing. Measured unemployment is holding steady at 3.5%. Normal wage growth is running at approximately 3%, fairly strong.
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Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): The Best Tax-Advantaged Investment
Americans are generally pleased with the quality of the healthcare they receive, but not its cost. Healthcare inflation, while moderating during the previous decade, continues to outstrip overall inflation. In response, employers are asking employees to bear more of their own healthcare costs, and government is increasing subsidies to help.
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) were established as part of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 and evolved from other pretax healthcare programs. An HSA is a personal savings account funded with pretax dollars that can be used to pay for qualified healthcare expenses. While the Act is best known for providing a Medicare prescription drug benefit, the HSA has become increasingly popular with both employers and employees as the tax benefits have lowered both parties’ healthcare costs.
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